Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Prestasi olimpiade biologi 3 tahun terakhir

Salah satu prestasi siswa SMPN 2 MATARAM pada bidang olimpiade Biologi
3 tahun terakhir
1.      Tahun 2009 meraih juara propinsi atas nama Mira Arsy Pertiwi, mewakili NTB pada OSN di Makasar.
2.      Tahun 2010 meraih juara propinsi atas nama I Putu Aditio Artayasa, mewakili NTB pada OSN di Medan.
3.      Tahun 2011 meraih juara propinsi atas nama I Putu Aditio Artayasa, mewakili NTB pada OSN di Manado, meraih medali perak. Dengan prestasi tersebut Aditio dapat kesempatan mengikuti IJSO ( International Junior Science Olympiade) dengan mengikuti training center di Jakarta selama kurang lebih 3 bulan untuk persiapan kejuaraan tersebut. IJSO diselenggarakan di Durban Afrika Selatan, perlu diketahui kontingen dari Indonesia terdiri atas 12 siswa yang dibagi atas 2 regu yaitu Indonesia 1 dan Indonesia 2. Aditio masuk dalam regu Indonesia 1 yang mendapatkan medali perak. Sedangkan perolehan medali untuk Indonesia adalah 3 perak dan 8 perunggu.
4.      Tahun 2011 meraih medali emas pada Science Camp yang dilaksanakan di Surabaya atas nama I Putu Aditio Artayasa.
5.      Tahun 2011 meraih juara harapan 1 pada kejuaraan Matematika dan Science yang diselenggarakan oleh Global Hause yang dilaksanakan oleh Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Universitas Brawijaya Malang atas nama Lalu Ghifarul Zaky F.

Itulah prestasi yang sudah dapat diraih pada 3 tahun terakhir ini, untuk anak-anakku semua tugas kalian untuk mempertahankan prestasi yang sudah  diraih, tugas kalian memang tidak mudah tapi yang utama adalah tingkatkan semangat dan motivasi belajar dan bulatkan tekat untuk dapat menjadi yang terbaik, amin.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

latihan soal characteristics of living think

Biology VII
Characteristic Living things
Time Alocation  : 20 minutes
Choose the correct answer!
1.      The bloosom flower is the one chracteristic of living things to show...
a.       Moving                                     c. Growth
b.      Respiration                               d. Reproduction
2.      Respiration process of organism is needed ....
a.       Water                                        c. Carbon dioxida
b.      Oxygen                                     d. Energy
3.      Process of increasing size and number of cells (becoming bigger) is ...
a.       Respiration                                c. Growing
b.      Exretion                                     d. Eating
4.      Move is one of characterstic of living things, way of moving frog is ...
a.       Jumping                                     c. Walking
b.      Running                                     d. Spring
5.      Data :
1.      Worm     2. Sand       3. Stone        4. Corn seed   5. Banana plant     6. Grass
Which are the living things ....
a.       1, 2 and 3                                   c. 3, 4 and 5
b.      2, 3 and 4                                   d. 4, 5 and 6
6.      The moving organ of horse is ...
a.       Feet                                            c. Muscle
b.      Wings                                        d. Stomach
7.      Plant needs oxygen for ...
a.       Photosinthesis                            c. Respiration
b.      Transpiration                              d. Reproduction
8.      When we thouch the leaf of Mimosa pudica (putri malu),it will be clouse.It  show us the characteristics of living thing about ......
a.       Responding                                c. Need food
b.      Respiration                                d. Burning
9.      Cat is running the example of ...
a.       Moving                                       c. Active movement
b.      Pasive Mavement                       d. Growth
10.  A plant which has reproduce generatively is …..
a.   mango
b.   banana
c.   cassava
d.  Onion

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Kisi kisi RSBI biologi kelas 7

Table of Specification of Final Semester Test Items
For Pilot International Standard School – Junior High School

Subject                                 :  Science (Biology)
Year / Semester                   :   VII / 1
Test Type                            :   Multiple Choice
Number of Items                 :   30 Items
Academic Year                    :   2011-2012

Standard of competence
Basic competence
5. Understanding natural phenomena through observation
5.1. Observing an object systematically to gain information of biotic and a-biotic natural phenomena
Biotic and a-biotic natural phenomena
Given some examples of natural phenomena, students identify the type of the phenomena.

Given a graph of an experimental (a melting ice)result, students estimate the time needed for ice to melt.

Given a graph of an experimental (melting ice) result, students determine the types of the variables.

Given a table of an experimental (a growing plant) result, students interprete the result by graph.

Given a graph of an experimental result, students draw the best conclusion.

Given a paragraph about observation, students make a hypothesis based on the observation

5.3. Using microscope and other supporting instruments to observe the natural phenomena
Given a figure of labeled microscope, students state the parts and mention each function.

Given some figures of handling microscope, students choose the t figure of handling a microscope correctly.

5.4. Applying the work safety in observing natural phenomena
Work safety
Given a procedure of scientific investigation, students choose the right figure of the laboratory apparatus needed.

Given a paragraph about a nuclear disaster, students determine a set of symbols related to the paragraph.

Given a figure of a messy laboratory, students identify the do and don’t activities inside the laboratory.

6. Understanding the diversity  of organisms
6.1. identifying characteristics of organisms
characteristics of organisms
Given a plant figure, students identify the characteristics of the organisms represented by the figure.

6.2. Classifying organisms based on its characteristics
Classification of organisms
Given some figures of animals and a scheme of animal classification, students determine the bases of classification.

Given scrambled taxa, students arrange them into the correct order.

Given a scientific name of a species, students apply the correct way in naming organisms.

Given a table of comparison among organisms, students identify the similarities among them

Given a figure of a flower and a simple dichotomous key, students determine the type of the flower.

Given some characteristics of an organism, students determine the kingdom of the organism.

Given a table of characteristics of some flowering plants, students determine the correct group of flowering plants.

Given some characteristics of animals, students determine the group of animal.

6.3. Describing the variety of organization of life from cell until organism 
Organization of life
Given a figure of organelle, students mention the function of the organelle.

Given figures of animal and plant cells, students compare the composition of the cells.

Given a figure of mesophyll cell, students determine the organell.

Given a figure of cross section of leaf , students identify the units of organization.

Given a description about animal tissues, students determine the type of the animal tissues.

Given a figure of a plant organ, students identify the type of the tissues and describe their functions.

Given a description about an organ system, students determine the organ system.

Given a random order of organizations of life, students rearrange them into the right order.

Given a figure of a system, students identify the organization of life shown by the figure
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